Congratulations to Yves De Koninck, who has won, with a team of colleagues from the CERVO Brain Research Centre and the Centre d'optique, photonique et laser (COPL), a prestigious prize for interdisciplinary research, given by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Brockhouse prize. The winning team includes Daniel Côté, Yves De Koninck, Michel Piché, Younès Messaddeq, Benoit Gosselin and Réal Vallée. It is rewarded for its innovative to understanding brain function through the development of new technologies that leverage the expertise of physicists and neurobiologist to unravel the mysteries of the brain.
Citation from NSERC
A unique team of researchers at Université Laval’s Cervo Brain Research Centre and the Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers, is collaborating on the next generation of neuroscience tools. Using their combined expertise in neuroscience, photonics, fibre-optics technology and materials sciences, the research team has developed a series of innovations that are allowing researchers to observe neurons in dialogue.
Learn more about this prize
Le Fil de l'Université Laval (in French)