Affiliated with Université Laval & CERVO Research Centre


Discovery of a new drug target for chronic pain and other neurological disorders


The identification of compounds that can restore normal chloride levels in cells shows promise to treat several neurological and psychiatric disorders, including epilepsy, motor spasticity, stress, anxiety, schizophrenia, morphine-induced hyperalgesia and chronic pain.  New results published by the De Koninck laboratory in Nature Medicine shows one such compounds was able to alleviate hypersensitivity in a rat chronic pain model.  These results suggest drugs targeting chloride extrusion could lead to the development of novel treatments for chronic pain and many more neurological disorders...


Video by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation on Neurophotonics


The Canada Foundation for Innovation produced a video about the Neurophotonics Centre featuring an interview with Yves De Koninck, in which he explains how neurophotonics techniques are used to understand chronic pain, and could also be used eventually to treat this condition. In French.

Think about it on CBC radio


Listen to Yves De Koninck in the radio series "Think about it", all about the brain, on CBC radio

«Dans les coulisses de la douleur» - public conference by Yves De Koninck


De la douleur temporaire à la douleur chronique: que se passe-t-il? Quels sont les mécanismes en cause? Un trouble du système nerveux pourrait-il expliquer certaines souffrances? Le point sur les récentes et incroyables avancées de la recherche dans ce domaine.

Neurobiologiste spécialisé dans l'étude de la douleur, Yves De Koninck enseigne au Département de psychiatrie et de neurosciences de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Laval. Il est chercheur à l'Institut universitaire de santé mentale de Québec en plus de diriger le Réseau québécois de la...


A multimodal micro-optrode - blog post on


Read A multimodal micro-optrode - a blog post in openoptogenetics about the multimodal micro-optrodes developed by Yoann Lechasseur, Suzie Dufour and the rest of the YDK lab team and collaborators:

The post discusses two papers

  • A microprobe for parallel optical and electrical recordings from single neurons in vivo Nature Methods 8, 319–325 (2011) doi:10.1038/nmeth.1572
    by Yoan LeChasseur, Suzie Dufour, Guillaume Lavertu, Cyril Bories, Martin Deschênes, Réal Vallée...

Uncovering how morphine increases pain in some people


Recent discoveries published in Nature Neuroscience "identifies a molecular pathway by which morphine can increase pain, and suggests potential new ways to make morphine effective for more patients" says Yves De Koninck, senior author of the paper. 

The research not only identifies a target pathway to suppress morphine-induced pain but teases apart the pain hypersensitivity caused by morphine from tolerance to morphine, two phenomena previously considered to be caused by the same mechanisms.

"When morphine doesn't reduce pain adequately the tendency is to increase the dosage...


Le Monde selon Yves De Koninck - Musée de la civilisation du Québec


Le bioneurologue Yves De Koninck fait partie de l'équipe de chercheurs du Centre d'optique, photonique et laser de l'Université Laval grâce à laquelle on peut dorénavant observer en direct les échanges entre les cellules du cerveau.

Il pose sur le monde actuel, son regard de scientifique passionné pour l'infiniment petit. Qu'y a-t-il dans le cerveau d'Yves De Koninck?



Lauréat Le Soleil: Yves De Koninck les deux pieds dans le savoir



Yves De Koninck is the personality of the week Le Soleil for the week of Februray 12, 2012, for the development of a microprobe.  This discovery was also named one of the ten discoveries of the year by Québec Science.  Read an interview by Jean-François Cliche with Yves De Koninck here (in French):

Top 10 discoveries of the year 2011 Québec Science


Research leading to the development of a micro-optrode allowing optical and electrical recording from a single neuron in vivo was recognized as one of the top 10 discoveries of the year by Québec Science. Congratulations to Yoann Lechasseur and the whole team!

Original research article: LeChasseur Y, Dufour S, Lavertu G, Bories C, Deschênes M, Vallée R, De Koninck Y....


New method to measure protein interactions in vivo


In two articles published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science (PNAS), Yves De Koninck, Jean-Martin Beaulieu, Paul Wiseman and their teams describe a new technique, spatial intensity distribution analysis, to study protein-protein interactions in intact tissue by optical microscopy.  

Read an article about this discovery in Le Fil - Université Laval - La valse des protéines en direct
Des chercheurs mettent au point une méthode pour mesurer in vivo les...



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