Affiliated with Université Laval & CERVO Research Centre


Utiliser la lumière, des protéines et des virus pour soigner les maladies neuronales


Une équipe de 14 chercheurs provenant de 6 universités canadiennes a obtenu 4,3M$ pour perfectionner des outils génétiques, optiques et viraux qui ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives dans l'étude et le traitement des troubles neuronaux. Ces outils pourraient un jour profiter aux personnes souffrant de maladies telles que le parkinson, l'épilepsie, les douleurs chroniques ainsi que certains types de cécité ou de surdité.

«C'est un domaine de recherche effervescent où les choses progressent très rapidement. On devrait voir émerger les applications cliniques de ces technologies au cours...


Pourquoi une brûlure cause-t-elle plus de douleur qu'un pincement?


Lisez un article récent de Jean Hamann sur le site des nouvelles de l'Université Laval:

Une étude met en lumière le mécanisme responsable du traitement différentiel de ces signaux douloureux dans la moelle épinière

Comment se fait-il que la douleur causée par une brûlure semble plus vive et dure plus longtemps que la douleur provoquée par un pincement? «Intuitivement, je croyais que c'était parce que la brûlure causait davantage de dommages physiques à la peau, répond le professeur ...


Robert Bonin - Jeune chercheur étoile FRQ-S in Curium


A report about Robert Bonin was published in Curium, a scientific magazine targeting youth.  In the article, professor Bonin explains what is chronic pain, and results of his research to better understand it, and to improve its treatment.  Read the article here (in French only):  Robert Bonin - Jeune chercheur étoiles des Fonds de recherche du Québec



New publication in Nature Medicine shows existing drugs can alleviate morphine withdrawal


A recent publication in Nature Medicine co-authored by Robert Bonin and Yves De Koninck offers new hope for people addicted to morphine and fentanyl.  By  investigating the underlying causes of withdrawal symptoms, the researchers identified a protein located in immune cells of the spinal cord called pannexin-1 as a major player, which lead them to look for drugs that block pannexin-1 as a way to alleviate symptoms.  The team found a drug previously approved to treat gout, called probenecid, that worked in this way.  Importantly, the drug does not affect the ability of opioids to relieve...


Sentinel North featured in Le Devoir newspaper


Sentinel North, a research initiative led by Yves De Koninck and Marcel Babin from Université Laval, and funded through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, aims to better understand the Canadian North through the use of advanced optics technologies.  Its goal is to improve our understanding of humanity, its environment and the impact environmental changes are having on humans and their health in the North. Sentinel North was recently awarded $98 million over seven years, the largest subsidy in the history of Université Laval.

In an article in Le Devoir newspaper, Yves De...


24h de sciences - interview with Yves De Koninck at Canal M


The Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec participate in the  24 heures de sciences event by hosting an open house event on May 9 2015.  On this occasion, Marianne Paquette interviewed Yves De Koninck to talk about the workings of the brain.  Listen to the interview, in French, here:   Émission c’est bon pour la santé! | Comprendre son cerveau -Yves De Koninck avec Marianne Paquette

See the details of this event: ...


New advances in chronic pain management show promise


Yves De Koninck participate in a panel discussion about chronic pain on Minnesota Public Radio news 

Treating chronic pain, especially if you're trying to avoid opiates, can be difficult. But new research shows promise for improvement in treatment that avoids highly addictive drugs.

Dr. Stephani Sutherland a neuroscientist and freelance journalist, recently wrote about the latest developments in the field for Scientific American. Sutherland joins The Daily Circuit along with Dr. Yves De Koninck, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Laval University, also...


Lighting the brain - Découverte features neurophotonics research


The television show Découverte, on Radio-Canada, featured neurophotonics research.  

View this story on the Radio-Canada website (in French only)  Illuminer le cerveau

Scientific American World changing ideas 2014: Prospects for treating chronic pain are improving


Recent discoveries from the De Koninck lab are cited in a article about new propects for treating pain in the 2014 end of year edition of Scientific American, devoted to world-changin ideas.

Read it here (subscription required)

FRSQ support is essential to researchers | Yves De Koninck in Le Devoir


Yves De Koninck was interviewed in Le Devoir newspaper about the importance of funding provided by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé for the vitality of research in Québec.  

Read the article in Le Devoir (in French): Le FRQS, un soutien essentiel pour les chercheurs


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