PhD (2013-2017). Méthodes d'augmentation de résolution en microscopie optique exploitant le modelage de faisceau laser et la déconvolution
Image processing (Deconvolution), Photonics, Biophotonics.
Imaging, confocal microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, computer programming.
My research focuses on developing simple techniques to improve resolution in optic microscopy. I am working on is a custom made confocal microscope and use beam shaping and post processing (deconvolution) to overcome the resolution limit of the microscope. The post processing part (the deconvolution algorithm) is, at the moment, programmed in Matlab.
Thibon, Louis; Soulez, Ferreol; Thiebaut, Eric, "Fast automatic myopic deconvolution of angiogram sequences," Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1067,1070, April 29 2014-May 2 2014
doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2014.6868058
Research engineer - Nov 2012 – Apr 2013
CNRS : CRAL (Centre de recherché en astrophysique de Lyon)
Master degree - 2007-2013
CPE Lyon, Lyon, France