Affilié à l'Université Laval et au Centre de recherche CERVO

Launch Meeting of the Canadian Neurophotonics Platform

The Canadian Neurophotonics Platform, a multicentre research initiative led by Yves De Koninck, held its lauch meeting December 16-17 2014 in Québec city.  

This initiative, which was awarded 3,3M$ from the Canadian Brain Research Fund, aims to bring together expertise from across Canada to develop and maximize exploitation of leading-edge photonics technologies for the study, diagnostics and treatment of brain diseases.

Three main facilities will be at the heart of the collaboration: The Neurophotonics Centre (IUSMQ/Université Laval), a protein optogenetic engineering facility (University of Alberta) and a Viral Vectors facility (IUSMQ/Université Laval). The Universities of British Columbia, of Calgary, of Alberta, of Ottawa, McGill University, Dalhousie University and Université Laval will participate to tests of the various technologies developed by the national platform on in vivo models.

Read the official Press release:

Read more about this initiative on the Neurophotonics Platform wepage.

Neurophotonics Platform launch meeting