Affiliated with Université Laval & CERVO Research Centre

Erik Bélanger

Erik Bélanger

Lab Phone: 
(418) 663-5747 x4712

Mailing Address: 

CRIUSMQ, Université Laval
2601, chemin de la Canardière
Québec (Qc)
Canada, G1J 2G3

Years in the YDK lab: 

Post-doc (2012-2015), In vivo imaging of microglial dynamics

Current position: 
Lab manager for Professor Pierre Marquet

Erik Bélanger, B.Ing, Ph.D.
Functional cellular imaging of the spinal cord with intravital multiphoton microscopy in living mice with neuropathic pain as a comorbidity of multiple sclerosis

Recent publications

Recent publications from the YDK lab are listed here