Research in the Yves De Koninck laboratory – YDK lab – aims to understand normal and altered transmission of signals between neurons (synaptic transmission). The YDK lab uses and develops state-of-the-art imaging, electrophysiological and computational approaches to better understand the brain and nervous system.
Our research has provided insight in the mechanisms underlying chronic pain, drug dependence, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline associated with aging, and led to the identification of drug targets to treat these disorders.
Research Themes
- Yves De Koninck presents at Bar des sciences : Can we live without pain?
- Interview with Yves De Koninck on Radio-Canada: Shingles vaccine may reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease
- Mal invisible, a series about chronic pain to view on Savoir média
- The biological memory of a stressful event can be passed on to offspring
- Article in Québec Science about Chronic Pain with Yves De Koninck
- Article in Le Soleil about a new therapeutic approach to Alzheimer’s disease
- Yves De Koninck wins the Wilder Penfield award
- Annie Castonguay wins the 1st prize of the Research Professionals Excellence Awards 2021 from the FRQS